In 2002, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) promulgated Sea Power 21 to provide a framework to align, organize and integrate the U.S. Navy to meet the wide variety of challenges that lie ahead. To meet Sea Power 21 objectives and to increase efficiency, the NAVSEA Warfare Centers established the Seaport Enhanced (Seaport-e) Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle. This contract vehicle utilizes a web-based, e-business procurement portal, to facilitate performance-based service acquisition, leverage buying power, improve business intelligence and reduce cycle time. In October 2004, the Virtual SYSCOM Commanders formalized an agreement to expand the ordering community of Seaport-e to include all Virtual SYSCOM activities and to leverage the success of SeaPort-e in achieving the aforementioned objectives across the Virtual SYSCOM. Additionally, other Navy activities, including the Military Sealift Command, Strategic Systems Programs, and the United States Marine Corps have chosen to use Seaport-e.
FT Technologies Seaport-e Prime
The FTT Team provides professional systems and software engineering, design, development, and support, IS development, security and information assurance, IT support, and supply and provisioning support. These cover four functional areas in the Statement of Work (SOW).
FTT Prime Contract Number: N00178-11-D-6548
Contract Place of Performance: Zone 2 (National Capital)
Sponsor: NAVSEA
Contract Type: IDIQ